Thursday, February 7, 2013

#1057 - Twitter Trending #10TurnOns

Hye Readers,

Sebenarnya aku takde idea apa nak tulis..tapi tangan menggatal jugak nak buat entry so bile aku bukak twitter tadi aku ade perasan hashtag #10TurnOns so aku baca laa...Well, some of them are good and i kindda agree with them..

Turn On sebenarnya bukan bersikap sexual semata-mata..Ia adalah sesuatu yang mampu menaikkan semangat seseorang..Aku sendiri ade beberapa benda yang buat aku turn on seperti telur mata yang kuning dia cair, Internet yang sangat pantas, girls with boot dan few others laa...

So let me list the #10TurnOn yang aku pilh ketika dekat twitter tadi..maybe of of this suits dengan diri korang..

1) #10TurnOns guys who share their food with me. Oooooh :')

2) #10turnons guys who care about school, & have goals in their life.”

3) #10TurnOns knowing how to make me feel better no matter what mood I'm in

4) #10TurnOns guys with a sense of style and nice shoes. I'm so attracted to guys shoes.

5) #10TurnOns 1 is when your company has a nice website.

6) #10turnons when a guy always make an effort to text or talk to you"

7) #10turnons Girls who play drums.

8) #10turnons someone who likes to joke around as much as I do

9) #10TurnOns Someone who remembers and appreciates little things.

10) #10TurnOns Guys who can cook. "Other than instant noodles." Haha.

Jadi itu laa 10 benda yang mampu membuatkan seseorang tu turn on..Tweet nie aku campur lelaki dan perempuan punya..yang aku rasa best aku share ngan korang..Enough with me what about you, ada tak salah satu benda diatas yang turn you on atau korang ade benda lain yang aku tak share kat sini.. :D



  1. Rasa macam lama gila tak tweet banyak2 sampai kena twitlimit....
    Pasal tu tak notice langsung trending ni...

  2. wah.. mcm2 benda bley turn on.. kawan tatau la ape yg bley buat kawan turn on.. rasanya bila dapat bahan nak update entri kot.. heheh

  3. xde twitter n xminat nak ada twitter..hehe..
